Reclining High Back Wheelchair With Commode
KSh23,000.00 -
Red Top Vacutainer with Clot Activator
Red top vacutainer with clot activator tubes are among the most commonly used blood collection tube in clinical settings.
They usually collect whole blood specimens intended for serum separation.
They can contain a clot activator, silica particles or a gel separator,
which facilitate the clotting process– serum is separated from the cellular components of the blood.
KSh750.00Red Top Vacutainer with Clot Activator
KSh750.00 -
Ripple Mattress – Air Mattress
Ripple Mattress Kenya
A ripple mattress is a special mattress type of mattress that works by inflating air in the cells and alternating the air to each and every cell in the mattress.
The bed-type medical air cushion is composed with two parts: main frame and air cushion. The air cushion has two separate ballonet. Under the control of the main frame every ballonet can touch a different part of the body every six minutes. the fluctuation ballonet can expedite blood circulating to avoid the appearance of the bedsore on the patients who stay in bed for long. so that to cure the bedsore quickly or prevent the sore all together.
Bedsores properly known as pressure ulcers are caused by many factors such as unrelieved pressure, friction, humidity, temperature and medication.
bedsores are fatal however we can prevent it from happening by using a ripple mattress.
KSh8,000.00KSh11,000.00Ripple Mattress – Air Mattress
KSh8,000.00KSh11,000.00 -
Rollator walker foldable 4 wheel
A rollator has wheels and the a hand brakes,
It allows you to move forward without the need to lift them up
It typically have a seat built into their frame.
It has two wheels
It has a basket
KSh11,000.00Rollator walker foldable 4 wheel
KSh11,000.00 -
Scar Gel Sheet
silicone is effective at both preventing and healing scars,
It works by creating a protective layer over the scar to stop it losing water, damaged skin needs moisture to heal as dry skin tiny cracks at can allow bacteria to enter.
It can slow down healing by causing further inflammation
It is one big sheet that is cut according to the size of the scar, then place the sheet on top of the scar, after some time the scar will vanish
KSh3,000.00Scar Gel Sheet
KSh3,000.00 -
Single Crank Patient Bed
Single crank patient bed, It is a piece of furniture that is used in a hospital or a home care for a patient to lay down and rest.
It is made from high stainless steel, and has an ABS head and leg board.
Comes with a drip stand and a High quality mattress.
Can elevate at the head rest
The single crank patient bed it is a manual crank system that can elevate at the head rest. Moreover, the medical adjustable bed is an independent castor locking system. Once the nurse steps on the castor braking pedal, the whole medical patient bed will be motionless.
KSh30,000.00Single Crank Patient Bed
KSh30,000.00 -
Stool Containers Kenya
SPIRAL BOTTLE MOUTH: used for enhanced sealing and safety.
CALIBRATION CLEAR: Designed with internal engraving for easy measurement and easier identification.
KSh12.00Stool Containers Kenya
KSh12.00 -
Syringe Pump
Syringe Pump,
It is used to for accurate and continuous injection of drugs to patient in wards, operation rooms and observation rooms,
What does it entail: Battery indicator light, AC power indicator light, CD screen, Red alarm light, Operation indicator light, Set key, Power key, Eliminate alarms key, Start Key, Adjusting knob, Clutch button, Hold lever, Bolus key, Clear key.
How it works:
A syringe pump is a small, positive-displacement pump used to gradually transfer precise volumes of fluid. … When the stepper motor turns in the opposite direction, the pusher block moves such that the syringe plunger is pulled, thus drawing fluid into the syringe.OperationConnect to AC interface to power the machine, press the start up key button, the user can operate by using operation panel and adjusting the knob.the syringe is installed by holding the lever of the syringe pump up to it’s top and then turn it, press the clutch button to pull it’s piston to the suitable place and put the syringe with liquid. pull the hold lever of the syringe pump up to it’s top and turn it clockwise by 90° and make it press the syringe, the indicator light will turn on select the injection mode. When the syringe is empty the alarm will automatically go on the user will shut down by pressing the power button.KSh70,000.00KSh80,000.00Syringe Pump
KSh70,000.00KSh80,000.00 -
Tape Measure
Tape Measure,
A special tool that physician use to access muscle function following an injury.
It is made from high quality plastic and polystyrene material.
the length starts from 0 to 60 inch.
KSh300.00Tape Measure
KSh300.00 -
Therapy Infrared Lamp
Importance of therapy infrared light
- It helps cells regenerate or repair themselves
- It also improves the circulation of oxygen rich blood in the body, promoting faster healing of deep tissues and relieving pain.
- It can penetrate below the skin layers providing a much greater depth which is able to effectively provide pain relief.
- This invasive, natural and painless method can provide a vast range of health benefits without damaging the skin through UV radiation
KSh7,000.00Therapy Infrared Lamp
KSh7,000.00 -
Three Crank Hospital Bed Manual
One function hospital bed
It is a high quality hospital bed that has a unique feature that can be used in hospital and at hom
It measure 3 by 6
It can perfectly fit in a room and also you can add a ripple mattress for extra comfort and to avoid the risk of the patient having bedsores or body ulcers.
KSh80,000.00Three Crank Hospital Bed Manual
KSh80,000.00 -
Under Arm Crutches Adjustable
Under Arm Crutches
also know as broken leg crutches, made from standard aluminum adjustable crutches
most frequency used by removing weight from a single leg, provide stability to continue walking.
Adjustable in height Strong Aluminum Material Sponge Handle
KSh2,000.00Under Arm Crutches Adjustable
KSh2,000.00 -
Urine Containers Kenya
SPIRAL BOTTLE MOUTH: used for enhanced sealing and safety.
CALIBRATION CLEAR: Designed with internal engraving for easy measurement and easier identification.
Culture bacteria and cell sterile environment for culture.
Smooth surface optimal transparent body.
KSh12.00Urine Containers Kenya
KSh12.00 -
Vein finder
vein visualization (also known as vein illumination). It uses near- infrared (NIR) imaging for detecting veins.
this proven technology enables accurate visualization of the veins under the skin………
first, the hemoglobin in the blood absorbs the infrared light, so there is a reduce amount of light reflection from the veins.
KSh11,000.00Vein finder