Dental Chair

A dental chair with 32L compressor, is a specialized designed medical device intended to support a patient’s body when a dental procedure is being done.

comes with a compressor, waterline, micromotor, compressed air and is retractable as per the dentist’s requirements during procedure

Main components of a dental chair are: A seat, a headrest, a backrest and armrest.

Dental Chair with 32L Compressor

Dental Chair with 32L Compressor

   Dental Sterilizer

Dental sterilizer 23L it is a machine that uses high-pressure steam and temperature to sterilize dental equipment in order to kill bacteria viruses and fungi.

It uses high-pressure steam penetration and vacuum-assisted closed door drying to quickly and effectively sterilize dental instruments trays, cassettes and other tools. common steam sterilizing temperatures are 121°C and 132°C

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